Welcome to the Parents' Page of the school website. Please use the buttons on the right of the page which will guide you to a wide range of information.
Parent Presentation
Please do click on the below link to view a recording of our most recent parent presentations. The slides are also attached here too. The presentation covers our school reviews, mission and vision, strengths and areas for development, parent feedback, curriculum, SEND and personal development.
Parent Presentation recording 2022
Parent Presentation recording 2021
If you cannot find what you are looking for or if you need paper copies, please contact the school office on 01242 675454 or email
Parent Presentation
Please do click on the below link to view a recording of our most recent parent presentations. The slides are also attached here too. The presentation covers our school reviews, mission and vision, strengths and areas for development, parent feedback, curriculum, SEND and personal development.
Parent Presentation recording 2022
Parent Presentation recording 2021
If you cannot find what you are looking for or if you need paper copies, please contact the school office on 01242 675454 or email
The Importance of your views

At the Parent View website, you’ll also be able to see what other parents have said about Gotherington Primary (and, if you want to, view the results for any school in England).
Applying for a place during the school year
If you wish to apply for a place for your child during the school year further information and application forms can be found by following this link: