Pupils » E-Safety - Staying Safe Online
Here are our slides from our latest E-Safety Assembly. We looked at playing games safely online.
At Gotherington Primary School, we understand that the digital world is a huge part of children’s lives. Children have access to and use ever changing technology on a daily basis Technology plays an integral role within every classroom. It is embedded in Reception and is a constant and prevalent feature of school life. The children are increasingly ‘creators’ of digital content and not just ‘passive recipents’.Therefore it is vital that children have an up to date understanding of how to stay safe online. We provide children with regular and up to date learning opportunities to gain a clear understanding of how to stay safe online
At Gotherington we do this through the use of-
- Regular E-Safety Assemblies
- Focused and specific E-safety lessons taught for each Year Group.
- Discussions from outside agencies about E safety such as Gloucestershire Police
- Celebrating Safer Internet day every year
- Installing our ‘SMART’ motto at Gotherington.
It is vital that children are taught how to use technology responsibly both in school and at home. To help with this we have put together some links below to various e-safety websites that you might helpful. Please take time to use them with your children.
Online Game –Safety Advice for Parents
How to deal if a child sees something upsetting online
E- Safety Guidance