Pupils » Early Years Foundation Stage
Class Teacher: Miss E Badham
Teaching Partner: Miss S Brooks
Early years education is the foundation upon which children build the rest of their lives and it encompasses all learning. We aim to build upon that which you so ably started before your child started school.
The Reception Class is part of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) where the children learn through play, engage in exciting hands-on experiences and develop a wealth of knowledge. We follow the curriculum as set out by the government covering the three Prime areas of learning: Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), Communication and Language (CL) and Physical Development, and the Specific areas of learning: Literacy (L), Mathematics (M), Understanding the World (UW) and Expressive Arts & Design (EAD). All areas of learning are important at this stage and the planning and activities are based around this.
We aim to cover a range of themes, each focusing on particular Areas of Learning and Early Learning Goals. Our theme for the Spring term is 'Bears'.
The staff within the Reception class work closely together to ensure that the provision available to the children is well-resourced and planned in depth to maximise the learning of each individual in a safe and exciting environment. We hope you enjoy browsing through our gallery!
EYFS Autumn Term 2024
Spring Term 2025
Summer Term 2024